LaKeya's Journey



Brown Planet Productions collaborated with The Institute for Healthcare Delivery Design to capture the inspiring health journeys of two Chicago residents. Our first film, centers around Lakeya, a suburban Chicagoan learning to live with diabetes.

Under the guidance of The Healthcare Transformation Collaborative, a city-wide search for our film’s subject lead us to LaKeya. After multiple interviews, Brown Planet Productions was deeply inspired by her story of learning to live with diabetes and her strength and resilience in overcoming disease. In exploring her childhood neighborhood, talking over her complicated past with the American healthcare system, and getting to know her family and support system, Brown Planet Productions crafted a short film highlighting Lakeya’s story of love and perseverance through the elements that lead her to triumph over her illness.

The Healthcare Transformation Collaborative provided funding for healthcare providers, community members and community organizations to come together to collaborate to help people with both healthcare access and to help communities with social determinants of health, such as access to affordable healthy food, stable housing and to create jobs while doing so.

Director Carlos Javier Ortiz
Written Ruben J. Davila
Edited by Los Maroon
Producer Ann Kauth, Jenni Schneiderman , Carlos Javier Ortiz
Cinematography Carlos Javier Ortiz Assistant Camera (1st AC) Ruben J. Davila

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